Sheila Birdsall ABCs MasterCare BCST

Irrestibly Expanding Consciousness for Bodies & Planet!

MasterCare Rising Classes


Have we all had a little taste of insecurity and uncertainty in these times?  Seems likely we could say yes.  Have you noticed what feels like things irritating you?  Almost a level of interference designed to muddle mind, emotion and body? 

How about noticing it on the planet, that level of interference that makes for a hazy, hot mess of emotion and uncertainty?  

Looking at the body so much has brought us closer to both our fears and our wonder of what the hell is it and what do we do with it in uncertain time

Cloaked inside our mind there is little the Body offers by way of expression, except in the most extreme cases.  We give it too little awareness and that extremity of expression is the way it grabs our stubborn mind and gives a shake. 

Set free from the cage of expectation, in which the Body can neither speak, nor express intelligently, Body magically lights up our life, orgasmically you might say.  It provides so much scintillating intelligence at that point it becomes our best friend and most useful helper in times of uncertainty.

This MasterCare Rising class is particularly delivered to accentuate how that intelligent Body system works.  In depth, how the body is designed to work with this world and this specific realm and reality (after all you don't have a body like this elsewhere do you? Why is that?).  Then graphically through self example, how YOUR body does this, how YOU can  strengthen that ability in times of uncertainty and ill health.

Ending interference personally and on the planet generally.  How interesting and grandly supportive! This is the dream time of re-encounter we've all been told about (or warned in some cases).  Come see who you are really here to be. 


There is a possibility for classes at any time.  Contact me for your desires in education about Bodies.

Are you engaged enough with your Body to be free of this realities limited idea of what a Body is and can do?



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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